Autumn Aussie Rules (Outdoor) Reid [Mon] Rules
- Each team will have seven (7) players on the field. 2 x Forwards, 3 x Midfielders & 2 x Backs
- The team must include a minimum of two (2) male, two (2) female and all remaining players can be any gender including gender diverse people.
- To start the game, this league requires your team to have a minimum of five (5) players participating, including two (2) male, two (2) female or two (2) gender diverse person, unless discussions pre game between teams allow just 1 female.
- Please consider our Default, Forfeit, and Substitute Policy
- Substitutes can be used as long as they have created an account and signed the most up to date Urban Rec waiver. During game play, substitutes can be made at any point in the game.
GAME TIME The game is played in two (2) 18-20 minute halves with a few minutes break at half time.
FIELD BOUNDARIES The field is usually 80m (length) x 40m (width). The field is divided into three zones – Forward, Midfield & Defence & is always dependant on the venue.
STARTING THE GAME The game is commenced with a ‘ball up’ in the midfield zone between two centre players. This occurs at the start of each half & after a goal has been scored. The ball must be tapped or palmed, no punching or taking possession. All other players must start in their designated zones.
SCORING A goal, six (6) points, is awarded when the ball is kicked between the middle goal posts. A behind, one (1) point is awarded when the balled is kicked between the side posts. The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins.
- The ball must be disposed of correctly by handball or kick in each zone for a goal scoring opportunity to occur.
- The kick in after a behind is only permitted to enter the defensive zone.
- The minimum distance for a mark to occur is a 5 metre kick. If it is under 5 metres, a call of ‘play on’ occurs.
- A player is only permitted to bounce the ball once while they are in possession of the ball. The ball must be bounced once after 15 metres.
- If the ball is kicked or handballed over two-thirds, a free kick will be awarded to the appropriate team on their defensive third line.
- A turnover occurs in the following instances:
- When the ball goes out of bounds
- When the ball touches the ground due to a poor kick, handball or dropped mark. (The only time the ball can touch the ground is from a ball up contest or when a forward is shooting for goal)
- If a turnover occurs, the opposing team takes possession of the ball where the ball first touched the ground or went out of bounds.
- The nearest player to where the turnover occurs must take possession of the ball. They can dispose by hand or foot if the turnover occurred on field.
- The ball must be kicked in from out of bounds. A shot for goal is not permitted.
- A ball up occurs if there is any doubt as to which team caused the turnover.
- A player must be caught 'holding the ball' by the 'two handed touch' method. No pushing, tackling, bumping or barging is permitted.
- If a player is deemed to have had prior opportunity to dispose of the ball, this is considered 'holding the ball' and a free kick is awarded.
- If a player is considered to have had no prior opportunity to dispose of the ball the host calls ‘Touch’ and the player has 2 seconds to dispose of the ball. (The player can not shoot for a goal after being touched) If the player is unsuccessful in disposing of the ball after this opportunity, a free kick will be awarded.
- A ‘mark’ is awarded if a player controls the ball after it has been kicked a minimum 5 metres without getting touched by another player or hitting the ground.
- There is no type of physical contact permitted in a marking contest. The player in front has every chance to mark the ball. A free kick is awarded against any player initiating contact.
- An opposition player may stand on ‘the mark’. This is the place where a mark or free kick has been awarded.
- The Event Host will call ‘play on’ if it is deemed the player has had reasonable opportunity to dispose of the ball.
PLAYING ON & ADVANTAGE The Event Host calls ‘play on’ in the following instances:
- When a player who has taken a mark or possession of the ball from a turnover has run over or around ‘the mark’
- When the ball has been touched from a kick still yet to hit the ground
The Event Host is permitted to call ‘advantage’ at their own discretion.
- The two designated forwards and scoring midfielder are the only players able to score. These players are identified by wearing a coloured sash or bib. A score can only occur through taking a mark, receiving a kick or hand-pass or when they are awarded a free kick.
- A scoring player is able to score if they are awarded a 15 metre penalty which takes them into the scoring zone.
- A goal or behind can still be awarded if the ball touches the ground directly from a shot at goal by a scoring player. If the ball is touched following the shot at goal, a standard turnover occurs from where the ball was touched. If the ball is touched as a kick is made at goal, a point will be awarded opposed to a turnover if the ball crosses the goal-line.
- A team is not able to score directly from out of bounds or from a turnover.
- A team is only able to score inside the forward zone.
PHYSICAL CONTACT This is a strictly a non-contact sport. The following actions (intentional or unintentional) are not permitted:
- Holding or grabbing an opponent
- Any form of pushing
- Spoiling with contact
- Bumping
- Barging or shepherding
- Touching the ball while another player has possession
- Tripping
FAIRPLAY SYSTEM Each league night you will have an Event Host onsite, but these guys are not official referees. Urban Rec is proud to be the best non-competitive league which practices fair play, meaning you should be making your own calls during the game. The Event Host will be there to make calls at their discretion, keep time and help guide the games within the game rules. Urban Rec Event Hosts have the final say on any issue that cannot be self-resolved.
SPORTSMANSHIP If you are seen to be rude or not playing within the respect of the rules your Event Host has the right to ask you to sub and take a break. If your Event Host then has to warn you more times then they have the right to ask you to leave the field or court and an assessment will be made if you can return to play. We don’t tolerate idiots, play fair.