Autumn Soccer (Outdoor) Dickson [Mon] Rules
- The number of players shall be five (5) players, including the goalkeeper.
- The team must include a minimum of two (2) male, two (2) female and all remaining players can be any gender including gender diverse people. There can only be a maximum of three (3) males on the court at one time.
- To start the game, this league requires your team to have a minimum of four (4) players participating, including one (1) male, one (1) female or one (1) gender diverse person, unless discussions pre game between teams allow no females.
- If teams wish to play with six (6) players they must consult with their opposition before doing so and make sure both teams are happy to do so.
- Please consider our Default, Forfeit, and Substitute Policy
- Substitutes can be used as long as they have created an account and signed the most up to date Urban Rec waiver. During game play, substitutes can be made at any point in the game.
GAME TIME The game is played in two (2) 18-20 minute halves with a few minutes break at half time.
FIELD BOUNDARIES The field shall be rectangular with dimensions of 44 meters in length by 18 meters in width, i.e. the size of the 18-yard box of a normal soccer field. This may vary depending on the venue and ground allocation bookings. There is no corner area to be marked for outdoor soccer. Corners shall be taken from the point where the goal line and sideline meet.
STARTING THE GAME Captains will Scissors, Paper, Rock to determine who starts with the ball first, the losing team will start with the ball in the second half.
SCORING Each goal is worth one (1) point.
THE START OF PLAY A game is started by a kick-off in a forward direction from the centre of the field. You cannot score directly off a kick-off. This is how the game starts at the beginning of the game, half time and after a goal is scored.
BALL IN AND OUT OF PLAY The ball is out of play when the ball has wholly crossed the goal line or sideline. To restart play after a ball has gone out, players must kick the ball in, not throw in. All throw ins are at the Event Host discretion.
FOULS AND MISCONDUCT: A player may not intentionally kick, trip, jump at, strike, hold, push, elbow, charge from behind or violently charge an opponent. Players should not swear, gesture, or argue with the Event Host or any player. Fouls can be awarded against the player for this behaviour. There are strictly NO slide tackling.
FREE KICKS – ALL FREE KICKS ARE INDIRECT For the purposes of our recreational league, all free kicks are indirect. An ‘indirect’ free kick is one where a goal cannot be scored unless another player other than the kicker has touched it.
Players from the opposing team should be at least 4 meters from the ball when a free kick is taken. The free kick is to be taken from the spot where the free kick was awarded. Free kicks may be awarded for behaviour including, but not limited to the following:
- Dangerous manner of play
- Impeding the progress of an opposition player
- Prevents the goal keeper from releasing the ball
- Causes unnecessary delays in play
- Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent
- Tripping or attempting to trip an opponent
- Jumping at an opponent
- Charging an opponent
- Striking or attempting to strike an opponent
- Pushing, elbowing or holding an opponent
- Making contact with an opponent before the ball whilst making a tackle to gain possession of the ball
- Handling the ball
OVER HEAD HEIGHT The ball must not intentionally kicked above shoulder height. This aids passing play, the ball is active for longer periods of time, more players are involved in the game and this limits the amounts of unnecessary injuries.
GOAL KEEPER Only the goalkeeper may touch the ball with their arms or hands, and only within the goal area.
BACK PASSES In the event of a back pass to the goal keeper, the goal keeper MUST NOT pick up the ball (i.e. it can only be played by the feet)
“GOAL KICKS” (GOAL ROLLS) “Goal kicks” will be in the form of rollout from the goal-keeper. Opponents must be clear of the goal area. Goal rolls must be a roll (i.e. not an overhand throw) and must be on the ground.
CORNERKICK When the ball passes wholly over the goal line and was last touched by a player from the defending team then a corner kick is awarded. Opposing players should be 4 meters from the ball. Corner kicks are at your Event Host discretion.
FAIRPLAY SYSTEM Each league night you will have an Event Host onsite, but these guys are not official referees. Urban Rec is proud to be the best non-competitive league which practices fair play, meaning you should be making your own calls during the game. The Event Host will be there to make calls at their discretion, keep time and help guide the games within the game rules. Urban Rec Event Hosts have the final say on any issue that cannot be self-resolved.
SPORTSMANSHIP If you are seen to be rude or not playing within the respect of the rules your Event Host has the right to ask you to sub and take a break. If your Event Host then has to warn you more times then they have the right to ask you to leave the field or court and an assessment will be made if you can return to play. We don’t tolerate idiots, play fair.