Urban Rec Sports Challenge Bingo

March 31, 2020 - 4 years ago

Well, looks like there is no sport for the next 30 days, but that doesnt mean you should stop living the Urban Rec life. We have created a FUN, challenging, and sometimes stupid, Bingo game to help you stay (slightly) fit, challenge yourself, and beat our HQ staff. 

You have a month to knock off as many of the Bingo numbers as you can. Tag us @urbanreccanberra or #urbanrecbingo and we will repost your best work. It’s not easy folks, so it could take you a while to harness some of these skills. First to finish wins FREE rego for you and a friend in our Comeback Season!

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A Message from UR HQ

March 31, 2020 - 4 years ago

Covid-19 has rocked our team and we've been missing you over the past few weeks. We asked the HQ team about what Urban Rec means to them, how they started with Urban Rec, how they’re feeling about our current situation and their hopes for the future.

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Covid-19 Urban Rec Canberra
Mar 15

Covid-19 Urban Rec Canberra

March 15, 2020 - 5 years ago

We understand that the COVID-19 (coronavirus) is causing concern and uncertainty among the community. We are diligently following the advice of Department of Health (Australian Government) and ACT Health as to new measures we should take.

The Australian Government has announced advice to cancel gatherings above 500 people. At this stage, they have not advised the general public to stop their usual activities like going to work, grocery shopping and attending recreational activities. 

With precautionary measures in place, Urban Rec activities will go ahead as scheduled and all Urban Rec policies will remain in effect including the default and refund policy. If the situation becomes extreme, and small gatherings are banned (or advised to cancel) by our government, we will ensure your games are played when it is safe and appropriate to do so. 

This is a fast moving situation, it’s something that’s new to all of us. We will continue to do everything we can to keep you healthy by following all health advice provided to us by the above agencies. 

Urban Rec would like to advise the steps we are taking to ensure you stay healthy at Urban Rec Events. 

  • If you are sick, have a cough or any fever symtoms we ask that you do not attend Urban Rec events.
  • If you have been in Contact with anyone who has tested positive to Covid-19 within the past 2-weeks or somone who is currently being tested we ask you not to attend Urban Rec events. 
  • If you don't want to shake hands at the end of the game, we understand - a fun and friendly toe-tap is a great way to show your thanks - or a virtual high-five. 
  • We will be making sure work with our venues and keep everything hygienic and clean.
  • All our venues have hand washing basins and soap we highly recommened you wash your hands pre and post game. 
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