It's getting hot in here
Nov 20

It's getting hot in here

November 20, 2019 - 4 years ago

In Canberra sometimes it gets pretty hot……. heat is unlike anything else when it comes to social sport it’s hard to predict, can change rapidly and everyone has a different tolerance to heat. Unlike other weather conditions in hot weather venues will not let us reschedule our bookings so cancellations in hot weather mean we can’t guarantee a rescheduled game. 

Our policy for heat reflects how hard it is to make a call on. At the end of the day we are all adults and it’s your call in any conditions weather you play or not. 

Our heat policy 

Because most of our games are played at night and usually it cools down over the night, we do not make heat calls during the day. Heat calls are made by the teams and the host at the venue prior to the game starting. If teams and the host feel it is unsafe to play games will not be played. In hot conditions where games are played we may change the structure of the game to give you more breaks. 

As a general rule If it is over 40 degrees at the start time we do not play. 

If a game is cancelled due to heat it will be recorded as a draw. We will make every effort to reschedule the game, but it cannot be guaranteed.

Smoke Haze

We live in Bush fire country and often there is smoke around when we play. We do not cancel or postpone games due to smoke. If you have a medical condition that is affected by smoke we strongly advise you use good judgement and follow your doctor’s advice as to if you should play. 

Playing sport in the heat some solid advice

  • Stay hydrated drink plenty of water
  • Know your fitness level and take plenty of breaks 
  • Wear cool lose fitting clothes avoid dark colours 
  • Wear sunscreen and a hat
  • If you have a medical condition that may be affected by heat consult your doctor as to whether you should play. 
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