Fireball, A Love Story
Jun 15

Fireball, A Love Story

June 15, 2022 - one year ago

You can feel it can’t you? That burning sensation in your throat when someone says the word Fireball.. You know what, same, but also, I kinda love it. But did I always? Well, here is how the romance started.

You’re probably thinking this story is going to start like any new age romance - Tinder, Bumble, Hingle.. Plenty of Fish? Sorry to burst your 21st Century bubble, but we met through a mutual friend.

It was a spontaneous, cold night out with a group of friends when we first met. Your warmth started a fire in my soul, so much that I was obsessed and couldn’t get enough. 1 kiss (shot) turned into 2, which turned into 5 & ended with 10. This was not normal behaviour for a first meet, but as fiery as you were, I just wanted more… until the next morning.

Now when we talk about next morning regrets, this my friends was definitely up there, the mems were good but the stomach couldn’t quite keep up. “I’m never talking to him again”, a line we have heard many friends tell us before, over and over and over again about the same person. Did I talk to him again? Did I go running back for more the next weekend? You bet I did & we have been inseparable ever since.

You were introduced to my friends, majority loved you but as always there were some tough critics out there. You were a hit with my workplace, nation wide, you came to all our events and even got your face printed on some of our t-shirts. You may have burnt some people the first time meeting them, but they were obsessed and so was I. We all loved to hate you and hated to love you.

Here we are, a few years later. We have had our ups & downs and we’ve broken up and gotten back together, but it is now 2022 and due to health issues we have decided to be just friends, best friends even. The break up was amicable, a lot of tears but we shared a lot of good times and now I can be the best wing woman I can be.

Fireball, I will always love you, I will always be your biggest fan, but it is now time for me to share you with the world. I promise to always say nice things about you and hype you up to everyone I meet. We will reconnect again, I guess it was just a case of right person wrong time x

This article was written by Leish Charters – League Manager, Canberra. 

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