Updated smoke policy 2020

January 7, 2020 - 5 years ago

We are in the midst of an unprecedented situation in Canberra with the current smoke haze and plumes. This is something completely unfamiliar to us and we have worked hard to come up with a policy and procedures that put or players and staff’s health first whilst still trying to get the games your teams have registered for played while also working with the availabilty of venues. 

Our priority is making sure you get the amount of games in the season that you registered for (Usually 10). In a situation like this where some games may not be played due to smoke this may mean we need to be creative, as some of our bookings with venues have strict time frames. If you miss games due to smoke your team may need to play a double header or in extreme circumstances if multiple games are postponed due to smoke we may need to play make up games on another night of the week. We will always try our best to make sure we come up with a solution that works for your team. 

If in extreme circumstances your team cannot be scheduled and play the games you registered for we will refund you for the games not played. 

Here’s how we will be handling smoke in 2020. Please note this policy is for outdoor sports, indoor sports will go ahead as usual unless you hear otherwise. 

  • Firstly and most importantly if your team does not feel comfortable playing in the conditions but you have been advised that games are going ahead, let us know via email [email protected] or phone 0412088498 (preferably with as much notice as possible) and we will then do everything we can to reschedule your game in the upcoming weeks, there will be no forfeit or default fees but we ask you give us as much notice as possible so we can organise a game for your opposition. Please do not let us know via the captains chat as we will endeavour to get your opposition a game and it causes confusion. 
  • For the foreseeable future, whilst the smoke conditions are unpredictable, we will be communicating to the Captains Chats on whether games are going ahead that night. We will endeavour to make the first call by 3pm. 
  • We use this website to monitor AQI https://canberraair.com if the AQI is above 200 we will postpone games. [Note we use this website as the Canberra health website uses a 24 hour average scale which is different to the widely used and trusted AQI Index. The numbers on the CBR website are always extremely high compared to other sites you can read more about this here
  • We have been seeing two types of smoke in the ACT, the haze which sits around and the plume of smoke that comes in predominately at night with an easterly wind. When this plume comes in we deem it hazardous and unsafe to play and we will postpone games. The plumes are much harder to predict and we will not postpone games if a plume is predicted as we found last year it often didn’t eventuate. If a plume does arrive we will postpone games and will message the captains chat immediately, followed with an email to all players.
  • If games are postponed we will try our hardest to get your new schedule to you within 2 days. 

If you have heart, lung or any health condition that may be affected by smoke we recommend you consult your doctor to see if playing is right for you. 

What we learnt last year that has influenced our new policy

  •  The smoke plumes usually come in at different times of night which means that sometimes we can get early games in before the smoke goes. Getting these games in eases the pressure on us trying to get make up games in. 
  • In December last year when the AQI was under 200 and we didn’t have smoke plumes the majority of players and teams where keen to play. We always want to play so if you’re keen and it’s safe to do so we are too. Some players and teams had concerns and that’s totally fine that’s why we have made it your choice to play. If we are playing and your team has concerns just let us know as soon as possible and we will reschedule your game. 

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2019/2020 Christmas hours

November 20, 2019 - 5 years ago

Jolly Jolly times as we approach the silly season. Here is the scoop on when we are closed this year!

LAST WEEK OF PLAY 2019 – Week beginning 16th Dec

FIRST WEEK OF PLAY 2020 – Week beginning 6th Jan

UR HQ OUT OF OFFICE – Sat 21st Dec through Sun 5th Jan

Most of our leagues are programmed to finish in December and will start up in the new Summer season in January, so these dates won’t effect you and your team. BUT, If your league is scheduled to finish in the new year and is running over the Christmas break, you will have two week break. 

If your team know you will not be able to make games in the week of Mon 16th Dec or the week of Mon 6th Jan, please let your League Manager know ASAP. 

As always, check your member dashboard for your most up to date schedule!

Any questions, contact [email protected] 

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It's getting hot in here
Nov 20

It's getting hot in here

November 20, 2019 - 5 years ago

In Canberra sometimes it gets pretty hot……. heat is unlike anything else when it comes to social sport it’s hard to predict, can change rapidly and everyone has a different tolerance to heat. Unlike other weather conditions in hot weather venues will not let us reschedule our bookings so cancellations in hot weather mean we can’t guarantee a rescheduled game. 

Our policy for heat reflects how hard it is to make a call on. At the end of the day we are all adults and it’s your call in any conditions weather you play or not. 

Our heat policy 

Because most of our games are played at night and usually it cools down over the night, we do not make heat calls during the day. Heat calls are made by the teams and the host at the venue prior to the game starting. If teams and the host feel it is unsafe to play games will not be played. In hot conditions where games are played we may change the structure of the game to give you more breaks. 

As a general rule If it is over 40 degrees at the start time we do not play. 

If a game is cancelled due to heat it will be recorded as a draw. We will make every effort to reschedule the game, but it cannot be guaranteed.

Smoke Haze

We live in Bush fire country and often there is smoke around when we play. We do not cancel or postpone games due to smoke. If you have a medical condition that is affected by smoke we strongly advise you use good judgement and follow your doctor’s advice as to if you should play. 

Playing sport in the heat some solid advice

  • Stay hydrated drink plenty of water
  • Know your fitness level and take plenty of breaks 
  • Wear cool lose fitting clothes avoid dark colours 
  • Wear sunscreen and a hat
  • If you have a medical condition that may be affected by heat consult your doctor as to whether you should play. 
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Priority Rego for Summer 2020 
Nov 18

Priority Rego for Summer 2020 

November 18, 2019 - 5 years ago

We love the teams that play sport with us. Coming back and playing with us next season it means we are doing something right and you are loving what we do. 

Priority rego also helps us plan for how many teams we need to recruit for next season to make it a fun league with lots of teams to play against. 

This season we are giving returning teams an epic gift for priority registration. [Priority registration is roughly between week 7-9 of your season]

  1. A shiny new team uniform [8 x T-Shirts] once you have registered, we will send you a size and colour chart. If your team needs extra T-Shirts, they are $12 per shirt and we can add them to the order. 
  2. A $100 Naked Wines Voucher 
  3. A gift from your local Clubhouse. 

Your teams spot is also held for you until the end of priority registration. 

In the past at Urban Rec we have offered a discount with priority registration. This has changed as we cannot afford to keep providing the level of service, paying your hosts what they deserve and keep up with rising venue costs while offering these discounts. We firmly believe that our pricing is highly competitive and hope the level of service you receive with Urban Rec is second to none. We have teamed up with our partners so we can still offer you an epic gift for registering in priority. 

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

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We're Hiring
Jun 24

We're Hiring

June 24, 2019 - 5 years ago

Are you the life of the party? Are you outgoing? Do you love meeting new people? Are you really organised? We have an epic job for you. 


Reporting to the Manager of Operations, the Fun Facilitator is expected to provide the ultimate experience for our members across all of our leagues and events in Canberra. As a fun facilitator you are the face of Urban Rec for our members. At the direction of the operations manager, you will be required to contribute and support leagues in the following way: 

Management of Teams

  • Manage overall experience for teams – have a familiar dialogue with participants and in particular, team captains
  • Oversee the retention of teams during our recruitment phase of the season 
  • Management of individual team experience (including providing subs for non-viable teams)

Management of Competition 

  • Manage equipment at venues and ensure everything is stocked
  • Attend season openers, ender's and social nights to ensure backend data is collected and recorded
  • Report venue issues to operations manager  
  • Support decisions about rain-out’s, defaults, and forfeits
  • Advise when to send league surveys, rule adaptations, or disciplinary communications
  • Ensure all winning teams are handed out prizing each season
  • Support of sponsor and partner initiatives

Facilitating the fun

  • Work with the operations manager to develop and execute member engagement initiatives 
  • Work with clubhouses to increase engagement  
  • Assist the operations manager with planning/Organisation and execution of events
  • Engaging members through social media

Hiring, managing, training, and supporting Event Hosts

  • Support operations manager to hire, onboard, and train Event Hosts
  • In conjunction with the operations manager manage weekly communications with event hosts 
  • Support operations manager to rate and bonus event hosts seasonally
  • Report changes to update the event Host Training
  • Performing event host roles when hosts are not available, and a replacement cannot be found 

We’re looking for someone who

  • Is outgoing and confident 
  • Has experience in sports and events 
  • Has a full driver’s license and a car
  • Is available Monday-Thursday 5pm-10pm and Sundays 3pm-6pm
  • Having experience playing with Urban Rec is a big advantage 

The role

  • This role requires you to do about 20% administration and customer service for our members, and about 80% at our league events, facilitating a fun experience.
  • This role is 15-20 hours per week. You will be required to work between 5pm-10pm Monday-Thursday and 3pm-6pm Sundays. Although you won’t be required to work these hours every night/day week to week. Being available between those times is essential. 
  • You do need to have your own car and drivers licence. 

Essential Requirements

  • Drivers Licence

Desirable Criteria

  • First Aid Certificate
  • Knowledge of a wide range of sports 
  • Events/Marketing/Sales experience 
  • Knowledge of social media

To Apply email a bit about yourself and why you would be amazing at this role plus a short CV to [email protected] or call us 0412 088 498. Applications close July 10.

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