Fireball, A Love Story
Jun 15

Fireball, A Love Story

June 15, 2022 - 2 years ago

You can feel it can’t you? That burning sensation in your throat when someone says the word Fireball.. You know what, same, but also, I kinda love it. But did I always? Well, here is how the romance started.

You’re probably thinking this story is going to start like any new age romance - Tinder, Bumble, Hingle.. Plenty of Fish? Sorry to burst your 21st Century bubble, but we met through a mutual friend.

It was a spontaneous, cold night out with a group of friends when we first met. Your warmth started a fire in my soul, so much that I was obsessed and couldn’t get enough. 1 kiss (shot) turned into 2, which turned into 5 & ended with 10. This was not normal behaviour for a first meet, but as fiery as you were, I just wanted more… until the next morning.

Now when we talk about next morning regrets, this my friends was definitely up there, the mems were good but the stomach couldn’t quite keep up. “I’m never talking to him again”, a line we have heard many friends tell us before, over and over and over again about the same person. Did I talk to him again? Did I go running back for more the next weekend? You bet I did & we have been inseparable ever since.

You were introduced to my friends, majority loved you but as always there were some tough critics out there. You were a hit with my workplace, nation wide, you came to all our events and even got your face printed on some of our t-shirts. You may have burnt some people the first time meeting them, but they were obsessed and so was I. We all loved to hate you and hated to love you.

Here we are, a few years later. We have had our ups & downs and we’ve broken up and gotten back together, but it is now 2022 and due to health issues we have decided to be just friends, best friends even. The break up was amicable, a lot of tears but we shared a lot of good times and now I can be the best wing woman I can be.

Fireball, I will always love you, I will always be your biggest fan, but it is now time for me to share you with the world. I promise to always say nice things about you and hype you up to everyone I meet. We will reconnect again, I guess it was just a case of right person wrong time x

This article was written by Leish Charters – League Manager, Canberra. 

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Splitting that round at the pub just got easier
May 5

Splitting that round at the pub just got easier

May 5, 2022 - 2 years ago

The new season's launched and sport is back in your life! Passing the ball with your mates each week, the post-game clubhouse feed, and a few drinks to end the perfect night.

This can't get any better ... but it does! 

An absolute cracker of a game, 5 Fun points all around, and no one's ready to call it a night. You all head down to the local clubhouse for dinner and the rounds keep flowing as your 5 Fun Point opposition rocks up ... joining tables just feels right. Everyone's already talking about how amazing next season will be as the captains confirm numbers for next season - Yes' all round! Someone mentions a cheeky late-night karaoke and we're on here!   

We've all had one of these nights, and it's the best. Whilst the drinks, next season's rego, pub feed, and karaoke is flying around, no one's kept a track of what's owed.

That's not really fair, so we've got our Top 5 Sites for you to use when you're out next: 


A crowd is a favorite and super easy to use. Create a group (everyone's secret soft spot), take a photo of the receipt, and select who had what and who paid. The App does the rest.


SettleUp is an App focused more on larger Groups and traveler expenses with features such as the share function allowing you to send expenses via a link or the ability to add the day’s local exchange rate to the transaction. 

Secure your Spot with an Urban Rec Deposit

We know how it feels to be a captain. The center of attention, respect, and love each week is worth getting your mates on the field each week. All is well EXCEPT for the when it comes to collecting money for the season. SHOCK! It's a tough gig being a Captain so we're here to support you. Our $150 Deposit will save your team spot for next season, providing you plenty of time to gather the funds from the team and you don't have to pay the remaining balance until your first game. We got you! 

Glunk - Pub Beer Shout / Round

Glunk is an app designed to keep track of whose turn it is to buy the next round of drinks. Claimed to have saved many a friendship and has helped avoid those awkward moments when friends "can’t remember" whose turn it is to buy the next round of drinks. There's also a pause option if a friend decides to leave and come back. 


So you've figured out the split, but the transfer could take a couple of days because it's the weekend. Just BeemIt! The Beem It app allows you to send & receive money using your phone in seconds, regardless of the bank. Easy, secure & free to download, it’s the smarter way to move money.

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How to not be a Douchbag playing social sport
May 4

How to not be a Douchbag playing social sport

May 4, 2022 - 2 years ago

The million dollar question, ‘How do I not be a douchebag whilst playing Social Sport’, well it’s simple. Just, don’t! Not being a douchebag is a lot simpler than you think...

Still need some tips? Take a seat in my office, lets talk.

Let’s set the scene shall we..

It’s a nice Summer Thursday night, around 19 degrees, no wind, beautiful sunset & the vibes are immaculate. 

🏐We head over to Netball, bibs are on, smiles are on (tip number one: always smile) and the games are getting started. You quite quickly figure out that your opposition are newer to the sport and are still picking up the rules and concept of the game.

  • DO NOT: Show them how it’s done by intercepting every ball, defending at 100%, putting players in positions of strength.
  • DO: Mix up your positions, give them extra space to pass and shoot, encourage them, help them, HAVE FUN WITH THEM.

🏀If we look over to our left, we have a Basketball game, the sounds of ‘Shoot a 3’ and ‘Half Court, you wont’. The laughter is broken with a ‘oh come on man, that was a dick move’. Let's go over and see what it’s all about.

  • DO NOT: Assert your dominance by swatting the ball on someone half your size, stealing the ball from behind when they’re not looking or out of their hands. Full court pressing to get those defensive stats up & act as if you’re in the NBA (hot tip: they don’t even full court press 90% of the time).
  • DO: Take & encourage the 3 point & half court shots. Someone on a roll and dribbling towards to hoop? Give them space and let them give it a go. Half court defence is the best defence (why tire yourself out for no reason ya know?). Yelling out plays? No one thinks your cool.

🏉What’s that to our right? Touch Footy & ‘Untouched’ by The Veronicas blasting from the sideline. Hell yeah, lets go. Doesn’t take long on the sideline to notice the guy with backwards hat is really making an impression, not in the good way…

  • DO NOT: Notice a female on the wing, drive as hard as you can towards her, goose step left, no, goose step right, spin, burn her so hard she slips over, jump over her and sprint towards the sideline, TRY!
  • DO: Notice a female on the wing, keep running straight, you might be able to get around her, she slips over, stop running and help her up. Take the tap and start again from where you are. Not all heroes wear capes, or backwards hats..

As you can see, it really isn’t hard. Being a douchebag is not cool, especially in SOCIAL sport. If you need any more tips, hit us up, were always happy to help make douchebags less douchey.

This article was written by Leish Charters – League Manager, Canberra. 

If you would like to play non-douche bag sports with us, check out our leagues  page to get started. 

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The Launch of Fun & Chups
Feb 22

The Launch of Fun & Chups

February 22, 2022 - 3 years ago

February saw the launch of the second of our collaborative campaigns with Grill’d, this time taking apt inspiration from our Kiwi manager, Donald. Named “Fun and Chups”, this campaign tied together Urban Rec’s ethos of promoting fun and socializing with the chance to win real prizes. At all leagues, at the end of the match each team chooses the most ‘fun’ player – one that was supportive, helpful or just made a great experience for all players – and they’re awarded, by the opposing team, a free chips voucher to the Grill’d of their choice.

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Urban Rec Wedding: Nick & Sophie
Feb 17

Urban Rec Wedding: Nick & Sophie

February 17, 2022 - 3 years ago

So, word has it you guys met through Urban Rec and are NOW MARRIED, how did that happen? What sport? What league? What situation?

We met in 2018 in the UrbanRec flag gridiron season in an individual team (our team is still playing today with a few new faces). Although the team were all strangers when we started playing we would usually go to the bar after each game to relive the highlights of the game and get to know each other. After a few weeks of this, Soph and I started messaging privately and not in the team's whatsapp and before I knew it we were on our first date. It was funny watching the rest of the team slowly catch on, the major give away was me no longer asking for lifts from everyone and consistently arriving with Soph.

One eerie detail we discovered later was how we both got into UrbanRec. I already knew of UrbanRec, previously playing in the indoor soccer league on the North Sydney Tennis courts. Soph however was new to it and discovered UrbanRec when her usual tennis partner was injured and couldn't play with her anymore. Looking for a new way to play sport she recalled seeing UrbanRec flags on the courts next to her when she would play at North Sydney. That's right, for about six months each Tuesday night, I would play soccer and Soph tennis on the courts next to each other. On top of that we independently moved to join the same team in the gridiron league. Small world.

How long have you been together and when did you get married? Tell us about your wedding?

We will be celebrating our 4 yr anniversary this year as well as our first year of being married. Our wedding was in June 2021, one week before the Sydney lockdown. We were extremely lucky because we were not only able to have our 80pax wedding with no restrictions, but also squeezed in a honeymoon to QLD before being locked down

With your dating history, is online or offline dating better or worse?

Neither of us have much experience with online dating so can't compare too well

Tell me why you think Urban Rec was the inevitable way for you to meet your hubby or wife?

I think the great thing about individual teams in UrbanRec is that it gets you out of your comfort zone and usual routine. It's a great way to meet new circles of people, friends and partners alike. In the same team I met Soph, we both became great friends with another couple and regularly catch up. They were even part of my groom's party.

Tell me one thing about your partner that would make them cringe for you sharing? I

won't fall for this trap

What's the secret sauce to making your relationship fun?

For us, we are both spontaneous and enjoy joking around. So trying new things and not taking things too seriously is a winning recipe for us.

Describe your partner in 3 words!

Spontaneous, empathetic and funny

If you could only play one sport with your partner for the rest of time, what would you choose and why?

Squash, we got into it recently and it has bought out the competitiveness in both of us. We are both pretty clumsy on the court but the games are very close

Lastly, tell others why you think meeting people and dating through Urban Rec is a good idea?

UrbanRec makes it easy to try new sports with no pressure to be good at them. Every individual team I've joined has had great people to become friends with that I would otherwise have never met.

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Urban Rec Lovers: Leish & Darcy
Feb 10

Urban Rec Lovers: Leish & Darcy

February 10, 2022 - 3 years ago

So, word has it you guys met through Urban Rec, how did that happen? What sport? What league? What situation?

We had known of each other from a mutual friend a year before Darcy started playing with Urban Rec. Darcy started in one of the Basketball Leagues and I didn’t really see much of him. He then joined one of the Netty Leagues and I started slowly stepping up my sideline banter whilst he was playing (telling him was shit at shooting 3s). Short story short, the banter got more and more & that turned into getting a drink, which turned into a second date and 2 weeks later we were officially dating. 

How long have you been dating? How serious is this? Living together? engaged? babies on the way?

Almost 14 months, basically lived together since COVID lockdown but officially roommates since December! No babies, Leish is impatiently waiting for a puppy…. 

Were you both using online dating apps before or when you met?

We were on them but both kind of weren’t that active with using them. A date here and there, a bored swipe every other day. Shits & Gigs. 

With your dating history, is online or offline dating better or worse?

OFFLINE! We both have old souls and think meeting the old fashioned way is the best way! Meeting organically is wayyy less pressure. 

Tell me why you think Urban Rec was the inevitable way for you to meet your current squeeze?

We didn’t know until it happened! Whilst we knew of each other before we definitely wouldn’t have started dating without UrbanRec! Like we said before, our old souls brought us together organically. It’s an easy, less stress way to meet to people and have genuine connections. 

Tell me one thing about your partner that would make them cringe for you sharing?

Darcy does ‘fake’ wrestling and his wrestler name is Hugh- Beauty  (I can hear him say ‘it’s not fake Leish’). Leish sometimes gives a little piggy snort when I make her laugh too hard 

What's the secret sauce to making your relationship fun?

We are definitely on the same wave length and have the same sense of humour. We’re constantly laughing and always never go to bed mad at each other, say I love you at least once a day! Also, never watch a tv show episode without the other person…

Describe your partner in 3 words!

Leish about Darcy: Nerdy, Gentle, Goofy. Darcy about Leish: Compassionate, Smiley, Social

If you could only play one sport with your partner for the rest of time, what would you choose and why?

 Basketball, all day, every day. We just have so much fun when we’re playing together, collecting dimes, shooting 3s and playing smart not hard (also known as not playing defence). 

Lastly, tell others why you think meeting people and dating through Urban Rec is a good idea?

It is the absolute best and easy way to meet people. There’s no pressure, you’re always having fun together & you’re being active. You never take yourself or each other too seriously and that’s the best part. Perfect bonding 

To find out more about signing up as an individual with Urban Rec, check out the FAQ’s!

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Celebrating Turning 10!
Jan 18

Celebrating Turning 10!

January 18, 2022 - 3 years ago

By Madeleine Wilkie, Managing Director. 

When Urban Rec turned 10 last year, we decided it was a milestone worth celebrating. Our 10-year anniversary was chosen as our original launch party which happened back in 2012. Embarrassingly, the event was a small group of friends who were promised free drinks… and looking back… it was a cringeworthy few hours.

But persistence pays off!  In the Summer of 2012, not even 1 team had registered to play in the upcoming season. Going into 2022, Urban Rec Australia boasts 4 cities, 265 leagues, 2,303 teams and thousands more individuals. This tiny side hustle has certainly grown some legs.

Throughout our 10th year, business is up 38%, which for a pandemic-prone business – is something we should be pretty proud of!  Over the years our humble team of  just 1 part-time founder is now employing 10 staff across all the cities.  

So during our second lockdown, I made us fix our thinking caps and we curated a collection of way that Urban Rec Australia celebrated turning 10.

We designed a 10-year logo. Inspired by the 90’s basketball era, the logo had to be fun and nostalgic. If sport is our bread, then beer us our butter, so it made sense to have a can of frothy Aussie inspired beer as the main character. After several iterations and a lot of hilarious feedback “Is it a condom, no, it’s a tennis ball can”. We finally landed on the below. Let’s call him Rick. Watch this space for more Urban Rick appearances.

Our 10 year anniversary logo!

We made our own 10-year anniversary beer! In collaboration with the fine folks at Freshie Beer Co, we were able to can and label 60 cases. The limited edition fresh pils were used as prizing for our members as well as a giveaway for our “Mad Monday” promotion. These cans will forever be kept as part of our Urban Rec historic museum.  

Our very own Urban Rec branded beer!

We got some vintage eskies and stubby holders. Merchandise is a fun part of what we offer and we knew we wanted to create some pieces that fit in with our Aussie Summer theme. So, vintage eskies and stubby holders seemed like the right idea. There were only ever 50 eskies made, and the stubby holders were designed in 2 colours and will never be printed again. They were used as prizes throughout our 10-day promotion.

Limited edition stubby holders!
Vintage coolers! Only 50 ever made. 

We hosted a 10-day promotion for our members. Turning 10 was about giving back to our members, some of which have played for the entire 10-year span. Each day we had a special giveaway, discount or event for our members to help us celebrate.

Our 10 day promotion included discounts for members!

Our 10-year boat party! – La Nina has really enjoyed ruining our Summer and this day was no exception. With a vision of our closest partners and staff in white linen sipping champagne as we cruise under the harbour bridge, sun beaming down - this was going to be the over-the-top, treat yoself celebration we all deserved. Instead, in true Urban Rec style… it absolutely pissed down. The winds whipped, the lighting cracked, and the drinks flowed steady and strong because we were all trapped inside a catamaran sized lightning rod. Proudly we cracked on with an afternoon of cancellations, interruptions, changes and too many shots of Fireball. The team at Urban Rec are not adverse to making fun out of unexpected and uncontrollable factors, and this event was no exception.  

Leish and Darcy still found a way to party!
A wet day on the harbour

So, as we embark on our full 10th year in business, I want to say a huge and special thankyou to all our members, players, staff and employees who have helped grow this brand in Australia to be something I’m very proud of. Here’s to the next 10 years!

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Covid Update

August 25, 2021 - 3 years ago

Update 30.9.21

Today the ACT Government updated their roadmap to easing restrictions. Working on this and in conjunction with Sport & Recreation ACT, if everything goes to plan, we anticipate play resuming in all our leagues from October 29. 

We will be updating each league individually via email over the coming weeks with more information on the return to sport. Thanks for all your patience and support over this time. We are so excited to see you again and get back into sport. 


When are we coming back? From October 29 BABY!!! All our leagues, venue permitting, will be able to resume under the current ACT Roadmap from October 29. 

Do we need to be vaccinated to play? Currently the ACT Government has said there will be no vaccine mandates in the ACT. We will adhere to government and venue guidelines on this issue.

Venues- Urban Rec works with multiple venues around Canberra, including schools, and each venue may have different rules and return guidelines. We will contact leagues individually with information regarding their venue. 

How will leagues be different? There will be no spectators at games for the foreseeable future, and teams will need to wait outside the venue until the game before has finished. Urban Rec will also maintain all of our pre-lockdown covid processes. Mandatory QR Code check-ins, Sanitiser, Ball wash etc. 

I was playing with Urban Rec when we went into lockdown, what is happening to my games? If you were a current and participating member, your games will be scheduled to resume from Oct 29. Check your member dashboard to see if your games are rescheduled. 

I live in NSW but play in ACT can I Play? Check Government guidelines. We understand our region bubble will be open by the 29th but NSW may have different hot spot rules. When we have a definitive answer on this we will post it here. 

I was not playing previously, but I would like to start - Great! We have new leagues starting in November and there will be opportunities to join existing leagues where capacity allows us to get as many eligible members playing sport in a safe and social environment. 

Any questions please contact- [email protected]

Update 15.9.21

The ACT Government has extended our lockdown until 15/10/21. Our community is doing an amazing job at getting vaccinated and we had hoped for more positive news and a roadmap. As an organisation, we had hoped we would be able to provide more clarity on our pathway back to sport after the lockdown. 

Urban Rec Canberra's first priority is keeping our amazing employees safe and making sure they have a job to come back to when restrictions ease. 

Our second priority is making sure everyone who has registered and is playing in a current season is able to finish their season in a covid-safe environment. 

Here at Urban Rec we have been working hard on some amazing NEW experiences to keep you socially engaged, entertained and having fun with your team over this lockdown as well as opening up our spring/Summer leagues to give you something to look forward to.

We know this lockdown has affected all of us, we can’t control the actions or steps that are taken by the Government, so we will continue to lobby for the safe return of sport as soon as possible. We will keep this blog updated as soon as we know more. If you have any questions regarding your league, our refund policy or need any extra information, please send us an email [email protected]

We really appreciate all your understanding, commitment, and patience while we navigate this difficult time.


Update 6.9.21

We’ve been missing you over the past month and can’t wait to get back into social sport. Currently we’ve missed 5 weeks of leagues, schedules have been updated and venues permitting we are ready to be back on the courts and fields from September 17. If you are currently playing or registered in a winter season your season will restart as soon as we get permission to play. You can keep up to date with the current public health orders here. 

Prior to the current Covid situation we were busy planning an epic spring. We have new venues, new leagues and heaps of fun events ready to go. We’ve done our best to guess when we will be able to start and all these leagues are now open for registration. We recommend you pay a deposit to secure your spot and go in the draw to win a BOAT at launch on a launch. 

We may be locked up at home, but we have plenty on to give you something fun to do: 

STEPTEMBER - The one thing we can do in lockdown, is go for a walk (mask on of course). Take advantage of that and join the UR HQ Team for steptember! Keep those legs moving whilst also raising money for Cerebral Palsy at the same time. Its honestly a win-win, lets be honest. Find out more here. 

E-LEAGUES - Most of us are getting alot more quality time with our Xbox's & Playstations these days, so why not keep your social competitive side alive and play with other Urban Reccers? We have you covered, join our eLeagues League for the chance to still get some bragging rights over your friends. All the info is here. 

TRIVIA - Missing your Trivia Nights and exploding with the urge to blurt out some random general knowledge at someone other than your dog? Same. Jump onto our Friday Night Trivia nights, get your team together and show the room (zoom room) exactly how much you know about hot dog eating contests in the USA. Find out more here

Our office has currently moved to skeleton hours, we are working from home of course. The best way to contact us is via [email protected]

This is an ever changing situation, Canberra seems to be doing a really great job of staying home and all our health workers are doing an amazing job. We are planning and ready to go, for a September 17 release from lockdown but if that does change we will keep you updated. 

Donald, Leish, David & the team at Urban Rec Canberra 

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The FUN-DAMENTALS of social sport
Jun 3

The FUN-DAMENTALS of social sport

June 3, 2021 - 3 years ago

Urban Rec prides itself on being the most social, sports club in Canberra, meaning there are a few things that separate us from the rest, more competitive sports leagues. These 5 FUN-damentals are what keep Urban Rec and social sport social, fun & accessible to everyone.

PLAY TO HAVE FUN, NOT TO WIN! Now, this is pretty self-explanatory but for the people in the back, do not turn up with the mindset you are there to smash your opposition on the scoreboard. DO turn up with the mindset that you are going to smash your opposition with friendly (reciprocated) banter and good times.

BE THE TEAM YOU WANT TO PLAY AGAINST! Again, say it out loud! If you want to rock up and play against a team that is always smiling, laughing, having fun and not taking the sport too seriously (you should because it is social sport) then be that team for everyone else.

DON’T TAKE SOCIAL SPORT, OR YOURSELF, TOO SERIOUSLY! Have fun with the game, have fun with your team, have fun with your opposition & have fun with your host! Miss a shot? Laugh it off. Didn’t get an intercept? Ahh well. The other team learning? Yeah cool, lets help them! It is social sport people, have fun with it.

LEARN THE ART OF LETTING THINGS GO! Urban Rec are welcoming to all levels, beginners to experts (actual experts or self-proclaimed experts). If your opposition is learning, let them learn, you were learning once too. If someone accidently steps out and it wasn’t called, yeah cool, whatever, let the game flow. This goes hand in hand with number 3, it is just sport, let it go and get on with it with a smile on your face.

REMEMBER, YOUR HOSTS HAVE FEELINGS TOO! BOOM, the most important FUN-damental! Your hosts are there to facilitate the FUN not call you for every single rule and not to be yelled at or argued with. They are there to have fun with the teams, a fun way to be around sport and people, not to have people tell them they are not ‘umpiring’ or ‘reffing’ enough. They are not refs, they are not umpires, they are hosts, hosting the Urban Rec party each week!

Just a few reminders for the social sport world, simple, easy and effective. Be fun people, have fun, make friends, laugh, enjoy yourself! That is what Urban Rec is all about, the good times, good mates & good beats.

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The Urban Rec Winter Series
May 10

The Urban Rec Winter Series

May 10, 2021 - 3 years ago

It’s starting to get colder, you’re thinking it’s time to lock in that space on the couch a hibernate away until the spring. Na, it’s time to get out with your mates, warm up, get social and have some fun. We want to give you something to help you warm up this winter so we’re bringing you the Winter series. A series of fun, social Friday night sports tournaments for Urban Rec Members.

Street Netball

The First of the Urban Rec Winter Series tournaments is Street Netball (But indoors because we know you want to be indoors). If you love your Netball you’re gonna love street Netball, It’s 5-aside, half court, no positions, super fast with 3 pointers.  If you play in our Fast 5 or our 7s netball leagues you’re gonna love pitting your skills against teams from all 5 of our netball leagues, hanging out with your favourite hosts and have a good time.

Street Netball will be held on Friday 18th June. Team numbers are extremely limited and only open to Urban Rec members until May 26. Then if not sold out we will open up to the public.

This tournament is mixed a requires 1 of either gender on the court at all times.

Here is a link to find out more

Golden Goal Soccer

The Second of our Urban Rec Winter Series tournaments is our Golden Goal Soccer Tournament. The first team to score wins. This ensures for fun, quick, and lively games. Every team plays minimum of 7 games. The top 2 teams at the end play a final where the first to score two goals wins! If you play in our Street Soccer Mondays, Outdoor Soccer Tuesdays or Indoors you’re gonna love pitting your skills against teams from all 4 of our soccer leagues, hanging out with your favourite hosts and have a good time.

 Golden Goal Soccer will be held on Friday 9th July. Team numbers are extremely limited and only open to Urban Rec members until May 26. Then if not sold out we will open up to the public.

This tournament is mixed 5-aside and requires 2 of either gender on the court at all times.

Here is a link to find out more

3x3 Basketball

The Third and last of the Urban Rec Winter Series tournaments is our Basketball 3x3. Covid put a shutdown to our 2020 3x3 tourney so we are really pumped for this one. If you play in the big leagues at Merici on Thursday night or you love the Street Ball on Tuesdays this 3x3 Tournament will be your chance to play against teams from all 7 of our basketball leagues, hang out with your favourite hosts and have a good time.

The 3x3 Tournament will be held on Friday 16th July. You can choose from 2 Divisions, team numbers are extremely limited and only open to Urban Rec members until May 26. Then if not sold out we will open up to the public.

This tournament is mixed a requires 1 of either gender on the court at all times.  

Here is a link to find out more

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